Inspire me Thursday
This week's Inspire me Thursday challenge is "wishes".
When I read the challenge this week, I decided to design my 40th birthday cake. This cake reminds me of my goals and wishes for the near future. I think of my 40th birthday as a major milestone. I have a couple of years before I turn 40 - and I am really looking forward to it. Especially since I got carded while buying a bottle of wine this past Sunday!
So my little cake represents a wish for wisdom. It depicts the patterns of my life (lots of twists & turns), and bit of festivity.
This is really nice...and was really great to read as well...and well for some more interesting resources for birthdays also visit my blog on Birthday Greetings sometime and check out all that i've posted there!!!
What a pretty cake, and I love the symbolism! But why wait for your 40th birthday? Celebrate every day as an opportunity to gain wisdom:>
If I hadn't just passed 40 I'd be putting in an order for your to design mine! It looks great!
Thank you to Carol, Carla and the crafty green poet. I have visited each of your websites. You are all very inspiring!!!
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