I Haven't Forgotten...

I learned a lot of stuff from my family.

My brother teaches me how to take things apart and put them back together - he's a mechanic today and often called Mr. Fix It.

My grandfather taught me how to garden and use hand tools. He also stressed that you must be neat when you work and not rush - especially when painting. He was a skilled craftsman.

My grandmother suggested I do something with computers, which I did. She also taught me about how to invest in the stock market - plus how to cook, sew and crochet. She was a seamstress by day, and ahead of her time in many ways.

My mother taught me so many things - most notably how to entertain, paint, draw, laugh and travel well. She was an artist, designer and best friend to many.

My father continues to teach me the art of big talk, and the finer points of cooking with various herbs. (lots of them). He's a retired HR consultant.

My aunt taught me to appreciate hand knitted sweaters and blankets. Though I admit I don't knit very well - yet.

I learned a lot of stuff from my family - and luckily I haven't forgotten.

What did you learn from your family that you still use today? What inspires you?


the glitzy gypsy said...

my Papa taught me -when all else fails-read the directions...i think that, artistically, this message has lead me to just try things-and see where it leads me.-heck, now-a-days the directions are printed so small-i can't read them anyway! (Oh-maybe it's my eyes)...
Bliss Happens!
brenda bliss

:: creative brand strategies :: demand generation :: said...

Your Papa gave you good advice :-)I must say that I prefer to unpackage things, take a look at what I've got. At that point if I can figure it out I'll just go ahead without reading the directions. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't! :-)