Inspire me Thursday - Roots

Here is my entry for this week's Inspire me Thursday. Thanks Melanie for featuring me on the artist's page! That was an awesome treat for me.

This week's topic is so apropos. This week, I am having some trees removed from my backyard. In the midst of the clearing, some roots were cut, causing one very large tree to hang by a few dozen wisteria vines over a busy street and a few power lines. Not a good thing.
As I was creating this drawing, I was thinking:

1. Don't cut your roots - family is important, even if they are dysfunctional and
2. Even the most straight laced person, who appears to have everything together on the outside, may have some wild stuff going on on the inside. If you dig a little, you never know what you'll discover!



Anonymous said...

love your drawing and you colour, and the words are so true...

Cora said...

What a fun drawing! I love your style.

Patricia J. Mosca said...

This is such a whimsical piece!! I adore it!

Anonymous said...

This is really sweet.

Jennifer said...

Love your whimsical style! And your words are so true ...

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful conclusion to the events of your week. Your whimsical style is inspiring.

Anonymous said...

The lines and colors are playful and fun.......

Lea Antonio said...

Thank you so much Lise! I love simplicity and beauty of your painting... can't wait to see more. Lea

megan said...

the only word I can think of for your drawing is "sprightly," and a very fine word it is!

Lia said...

A whimsical drawing with some deep rooted themes, beautiful.