Can you paint it? Yes you can! More ideas for creative walls...

When we were kids, my cousin Melanie had permission to write on the door to her room. Before the door was eventually painted over, she has created a collage of graffiti-like names, drawings, and sayings. It was cool, but in my childhood home, it was definitely prohibited. Even though I was encouraged to paint and draw, my creative activities were mostly limited to paper. Walls and doors, even in my own room, were not an option.

Today it's different. Walls and doors are just another canvas. We use chalkboard paint on entire walls to keep track of schedules and to create transient murals. We have large bulletin boards on our doors for collections of fabric, trim, color swatches, and party/event concepts. Walls are the perfect canvas for creating on a grand scale. And even though it's never really permanent, it is very visible to everyone that enters your home and this, my dear reader, is where people become fearful, hesitant and doubtful. Deep down, many of us long to create something on our walls. Murals, wall words, etc. But instead, we freak out and hire an artist to do it. Sometimes, the only difference between you and the artist may be a lack of creative confidence.

Here then, are the baby steps we can all take on our way to our own biggest, grandest wall project ever:

  • First give yourself permission. That's what your mom and grandmother had to do when they first marked on the walls to track the growth of the kids and grandkids. Even if it was in pencil.

  • Then make a list of all the things you'd like to create. Don't edit yourself. You can do one or all of the projects you identify. Keep adding projects to the list, save it in your project inspiration file.

  • Next - go shopping. Gather your materials you'll need for your project at online and offline craft, artist/hobby shops, home decor and home improvement centers. Don't forget your friends. Sometimes all you need is a small amount of paint. Your friends may just have the colors you need sitting in the storage bin. It never hurts to swap supplies and save money!
  • Next choose a spot for your project. There are many locations that would be ideal for a creative project. Besides the largest walls and doors in your room, try the space over your doors, the unadorned step risers, the area over your washer and dryer or bathroom mirror, or trim around your windows or doors.

  • Take a deep breath, relax, and map out your project. You're now building your Creative Confidence! You can use chalk to outline directly on the surface, or create a design concept board or sketch. Experiment with the colors and decide what will be your most dominate color. Even though you've made a good plan, some of the best projects happen in the moment. Remain open to your possibilities while you're in the process of creating.

  • Ok, so this whole idea of freehanding may still be a bit scary for you. And if that's the deal, you can minimize the fear by creating (or purchasing) stencils for some uniformity. I mention purchasing hesitantly - not because there aren't great stencils on the market, but because I think you'll achieve a greater sense of satisfaction when your project is done. You can also use tracing paper - I think I've mentioned that in another blog post...

  • If you're still nervous about creating directly on the walls; or live in a place where you're prohibited by a lease or other restriction, then create on canvas. A large canvas is just as good as a wall mural - and you can take it with you when you move. Using an unstretched canvas you might also try to create a mural for your floor (also known as an art floorcloth).
  • When you're done, document this success in your project files and start on your next project!

Be creative and enjoy the process!



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